The 2022 National Senior Certificate examinations will conclude on 7 December 2022 and the Minister of Basic Education, Mrs. Angie Motshekga, will announce the outcome of the examinations on 19 January 2023. Matric Results will be released to candidates on 20 January 2023.
SABC Education has partnered with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to launch the Matric exams results in service.
The Matric results service will allow the students from the registered provinces to receive their results through the USSD code or SMS on the examination’s due date. The students are requested to register in advance using the results service released by SABC.
They can also register using other registration mechanisms. If a student registers via USSD or SMS, they can win some airtime from the R10, 000 shares. Students are highly encouraged to register. They may also download the Matrics Mate App from their Apple App or Google play to get the senior certificate exam results.
To access their exam results, the candidates must use their exam number to register on their preferred platforms. The registration guidelines are as follows:
Matrics Mate App
The department of basic education provides information about the curriculum and what you need to do in case you have lost your matric certificate. It also provides links to all the previous grade 12 examination papers that you may need for your revision.
In case you want to get in touch with us, you can find the contact details on our website. You can access any information as a learner, guardian researcher, or teacher. If you don’t find the information you want from our website, send an email to
The Matric results will be reflected on the department of education’s website. You can get the statement of results at the school or exam center where you took the exam.
Some results may not be published on the website for technical reasons. If your results are not available on our website, contact the exam center or the provincial office. The Department of Basic Education has the right to modify any information published on its website.
In case you are wondering how to check matric results online, the process is straightforward. The department of education has released procedures on how to check matric results online. These are:
To log in, you need to key in the exam number, and personal details such as the names and the home language. If you attended a government school, your results must be available on this site.
Note that you can also search the NSC results by province on this website.
The website traffic may be incredibly high on the day of the release of the results and therefore expect a delayed response.
After the certificates are issued, candidates age given an allowance of one year from the issue date to make any corrections. Changes can be effected upon returning the original certificate, and not a copy.
If you want to change your name, you are required to make your application to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) by filling in the re-issue application form. Visit the nearest DBE offices for an interview before an amendment is made. You may be given an interim record as you wait for your certificate.
Before a certificate is re-issued, you will be required to submit the following documents:
In case you damaged or lost your original certificate, you need to apply for a replacement at the Provincial Education Department (PED) or Department of Basic Education (DBE). You will be required to complete the replacement application form. You can also request the results statement as you wait for the replacement. Remember to return the damaged certificate to the relevant authorities.
You may apply for a change of status if you participated in matric in more than one sitting. You may want to combine the credits to qualify for National Senior Certificate or the National Certificate (NC). The department may not accept your request automatically unless you did a supplementary examination. You have the option to apply for a confirmation result statement as you wait for the National Certificate.
What you are required to do if you are changing the particulars, requesting for certificate replacement, or changing the status
You will get a re-issued certificate within four to six weeks. The certificate costs R130 and the statement of results is R130.
If you feel that you need to improve your matric grade, you can apply for a matric upgrade. You can focus on specific subjects you want to improve at the Matric college. Thus, there is no need to redo all the exams. After applying for the upgrade, you will get all the study materials you need.
You get a chance to study from home and your tutors will give you the best online support. The benefits of upgrading your results include:
Requirements for an upgrade
You can apply for a matric upgrade at the University of South Africa (UNISA). The lower-level qualifications can act as bridging courses for the upgrade. You are advised to do a certificate or diploma program related to the course you want to pursue.
Only a few institutions offer matric rewrites. Find out more about Matric rewrite registration. Matric college does not have physical classes. You study from home but you have to take exams at a certified exam center near you. You can also ask for a paper remark for R105 per paper. If you wish to view your paper after the remark, you can apply for it at an additional cost of R205 per paper.
If you don’t prefer upgrading your results, you can explore the following options:
The internal school-based assessment (SBA) constitutes 5%of the final matric result. This result is made up of assignments, classwork, tests, and exams you undertake throughout the year. 75% comes from the final exam except for life orientation.
To get your results via SMS, send an SMS to 35685. You can also use the USSD code *120*35658# and follow the steps. Once you enter the ID number, you will receive the results [per subject. If you register for the results using SMS, you can send the exam number to 35685. You will receive a confirmation message showing your marks immediately after they are released.
To check the WECD matric results, send your exam and ID number to SMS number 35658. Confirm that both numbers have thirteen digits. This will cost you R3.00 to register. You will receive the results via SMS. You can also dial *120*35658#. You will be prompted to answer some questions after which you will enter your ID number to receive the results
South Africa’s matric results can be accessed as eyewitness news. You can get the results instantly through the matric portal immediately after they are released.
In Pretoria, you can upgrade your matric results in:
If you have attained your National Senior Certificate, you can upgrade your matric results at the Damelin Correspondence College.
You can upgrade the matric results at the Matric College. Her, you register and have the materials delivered online but take an exam in person.
The grade 12 results 2023 release date is 20 January 2023.
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